About Us

Mike Yusi

Web Guru
Code Monkey
Bar Band and Guitar Enthusiast

Still Waters Run Deep

In the early 90's when the Internet exploded, Mike was living in Belize, and nobody knew how to design or build websites. In need of one for his own company, he jetted off to Miami, bought some books, got some fresh milk, and started reading. Through trial and error, Mike designed some of the first successful sites in the country of Belize.

Upon his relocation to the States, he freelanced for a number of ad agencies in Chicago and Los Angeles, building and designing sites for their existing clients, before leaving Brighton Advertising, and breaking out on his own in 2001. Since then, the UC DeSIGNS team has been building sites that range from one page contact sites for small businesses, to extensive, global e-commerce sites. What sets us apart from the rest, is that when you call UC DeSIGNS, you'll be speaking directly to Mike, and together with the team, they will do everything they can to create a website that you will love, and that will get you attention.

Then he'll sit in with your band if you need him to.

Dawne Weiner

Project Management
Customer Relations
UC Team Wrangler

Dawne is on your side

Besides being an all around team player, Dawne specializes in getting you what you want, while keeping you on budget. Having worked in both the consumer product and service industry, she is well versed in maximizing the potential of your website, and understanding your needs from the beginning, which is the key to success. She's a customer relations whiz, manages projects like they were her own, and is by far one of the smartest people you'll ever meet, and want to work and have coffee with.

Besides keeping your project in line, she's also in charge of making sure that the rest of the team stays on track, and doesn't watch too much baseball during the work day.

Tom Wilson

Graphic Designer
Logo Specialist
Avocado Tree Enthusiast

How experienced is Tom?

Tom is so experienced that he was in advertising back when they still used “rub on” characters in ads, computers were only in the movies, and if you did have a computer in your office, you still had to shop at a brick and mortar store to buy software. With over (we don't want to say how many) years of experience in marketing, advertising, and design, Tom is an invaluable asset to the team. He can not only design for you, but he can look at existing designs, and make them better in ways you never thought of. Tom has the experience that every team wishes they had.

He's also an Eagle Scout, so if you need a shelter built in the woods, he can help you with that as well.

"You have to learn the rules of the game.
And then you have to play better
than anyone else."

Albert Einstein


Web Design Orange Country California UC Designs
Company Branding Orange Country California UC Designs
company branding
Web Site SEO and SEM Orange Country California UC Designs
seo / sem
Web Site Maintainance Orange Country California UC Designs
site deployment
and maintenance